Friday, June 1, 2012

Locked Up Abroad

The following words are right off of the home page for the TV show Locked Up Abroad

Locked Up Abroad tells first hand experiences of unsuspecting travelers who embarked on what they thought would be a vacation, only to barely make it home ...

I may have seen 5 minutes of the show one time but I get the premise. Today as I was reading 1 Peter 2 and was reminded of this show when it said

11 Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.

Everyone is on this earth only temporarily and we don’t think of this enough. For the Christian we are locked up abroad, we cannot yet go home.  Some day the Christian will be released, either when they die or Jesus comes back again, and not a minute sooner. As the trailer for the National Geographic show says “only to barley make it home” So it is with the Christian, we do not have the right within us to be released from this place and to enter Heaven it is only by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus that we are able to get our pardon and return home. Now for the ones who don’t trust in Jesus even though they think this place is Hell on Earth they have no idea that as bad as it is, this is as close to Heaven they will ever get, compared to Hell this is paradise. Then for the Christian some think that they should be on vacation here until it’s time for Heaven but that is far from the truth because Satan, the jailer of earth makes it difficult for those who love Jesus thus why we all long for home so much and praise God for His promise to get us there.

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