I’ve had a great deal of fun over that last few weeks asking people outside of the Bible in their opinion is the best and worst person in the history of the world. Some of the responses were quite interesting. One of the first things I noticed was that everyone went worst first. Out of every single person I asked only one even tried to indentify the best first, and they never did come up with an answer. There were others as well that could not come up with who they thought the best person in the history of the world was. However, most if not everyone was pretty quick on the worst. With the people I asked Hitler was by far the number one answer for the worst. When it came to the best I had fewer responses however Mother Theresa and Abe Lincoln were the most common answers. The results were not much different when I went to the internet. The evil lists were easy to find and there were many of them and the good lists were much harder and less prevalent. A couple of interesting notes, on the good list (people from the Bible were included) Buda was number one on both lists and the best that Jesus came in on either was third. One one of the evil list the first female to show up was believe it or not Paris Hilton. On that note
Here is what I want you to think about take let’s say Hitler put him on one end of a line and put Abe Lincoln and Mother Theresa on the other and ask yourself where do you fall? Somewhere in the middle? Somewhat closer to the good side where is it that you fall? I don’t care if you put yourself right in the middle of Abe and Mother Theresa because not like the list found on the internet if you were to add Jesus to this list He would be so far from the good side of your list it would not even be funny. Jesus created the world, He controls it, He, He, He, the list could go on and on and the main thing is that even when He came to the earth as a man He never sinned. And you think Abe Lincoln and Mother Theresa were good, if you were to put them on a line with Jesus they are both much closer to Hitler than you may think. But again so are you, think about that when it comes to sin.
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