Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time to Vote

I was asked a question today that I thought was worth blogging about. The question had to do with voting in the upcoming election and what should a person do. My answer is really very simple and I can answer it without even saying who I’m voting for. When it comes to voting everyone should vote, it’s your responsibility as a citizen of the greatest country in the history of the world. I get accused of voting a strait party ticket every time I vote, like there is something wrong with that. In my opinion in most, but not every case a person should vote a strait party ticket and it has absolutely nothing to do with party loyalty. I believe a person should actually look into what the candidates have done and not what they say they will do, then line that up with what you believe. That is who you should vote for and if you are consistent in what you believe most likely it will be a strait party ticket. I really get frustrated with those who just vote for who they “like, “when a person does that they have no core convictions. If you have no core convictions even if they are different than mine I would just a soon you not vote at all. The other question I was asked as a Christian what do I do if neither candidate is a Christian? Would you vote at all? My answer is yes, due do the fact that even if a candidate professes to be a Christian does not mean that they are. I still line them up and vote whose views are the closest to mine. Because whether a Republican or a Democrat a Christian or a non Christian wins an election they all have to answer to the same person I do, The King.

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