Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you ever?

Have you ever?
Have you ever taken the Lord’s name in vain? Have you ever told a lie, even if it was just a little one? Have you ever stolen something, just once in your life? If you took even a paper clip home from work that is stealing. Have you ever looked at another human being with lust? Have you ever been jealous of someone or wanted what someone else had? Should I go on? The list of sin in the world is quite lengthy and if you are honest with yourself your percentage of sins committed to sins available is pretty high and I’m talking free throw percentage high and not batting average high. I read some words today that made me take notice when it said. Before a person can commit a sin they first must have the desire to perform the act. So for all of those sins you committed you first had the desire at that time to commit them. Scary stuff if you ask me. Then I also went on to read that once a person trusts in Christ they have the ability to sin and once again the ability not to sin. And once they arrive in Heaven they will then lose their ability to sin. Cant’ wait, I am tired of sinning but still can’t break the habit. It took a super natural work of Christ to even given me that ability not to sin and it will take arriving in Heaven to kick the habit all together.  

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