Monday, May 28, 2012

I simply don't know

Over the last month or so through Small Group, Sunday school, and the Pastor’s sermons I have been diligently studying one of the most controversial topics among Christians, the topic of predestination and election. I have read everything I can find, I even bought three books on the subject. I wanted to be an expert on the subject so I could answer people’s objections and be able to teach them the truth. However I have learned something quite different from all of this. As I was reading a book on predestination by RC Sproul probably the leading expert on the topic alive today he said something that taught me far more than the subject I was reading about. He said when it gets right down to it when he is asked “Why does God only save some?” He says the only answer he can give is “I don’t know. I have no idea why God saves some but not all. But I do know if it pleases God to save some and not all there is nothing wrong with that.”  This blog is not about this topic it is the fact that all though we do need to study God’s word and we need to keep learning about Him sometimes it’s okay to say I simply don’t know. When you don’t know something that’s when the phrase “it’s not what you know it’s who you know “comes into play and you have to place your trust in someone or something else. We think we have to know everything so we don’t have to depend on anything other than ourselves. In short because we don’t trust anyone else, God knows this and wants us to trust in Him. So I don’t know everything about what’s in the Bible and I’m okay with that because my best friend (Jesus) does and he will let me know what I need to know when I need to know it because He loves me and that’s all I really need to know.   


  1. "...I KNOW whom i have believed, and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I've committed to HIM..."

    Amen, Mike.


  2. So it looks as if you are saying we need to learn who Jesus is more and more...
