Saturday, May 19, 2012

Resturant Review: Taqueria Sonora

Taqueria Sonora
West Des Moines

 For some strange reason I developed a craving for fish tacos and the funny thing was I had never had one. So Taqueria Sonora was recommended. When we arrived we could tell the place was busy and that the interior was not bad or nothing to write home about. The chips arrived with salsa and four other sauces and some pickled onions. I was brave enough to try them all and liked a couple of them. The most surprising aspect of the whole evening was that when the food arrived it was actually plated. (made to look nice) for you red necks. Usually Mexican food is a blob on a plate. The verdict on the food was 50/50 two people thought it was great and 2 thought it was kind of bland. The tacos al pastor and asada received high marks. The asada actually tasted like steak from a grill, the other dished left us flat. There were 5 of us and the reason I went 2 and 2 is that it would not be fair for me to judge the fish tacos since they were just okay to me and they could be the best fish tacos this side of the Rio Grande and I wouldn’t know it. So I will reserve judgment for now but my craving for fish tacos has been quenched.


Price range: (everyday, a night out, a special occasion only) everyday

Overall rankings all based 1 to 5

Atmosphere:  2.5

Service:         3

Food:            3

Value:           3

Overall          3

Taqueria Sonora
800 First Street Suite A
West Des Moines, IA 50265

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