Monday, July 23, 2012

Are you smarter than God?

Have you ever been asked what major factor or event made you what you are today? Well Sunday I was asked that and I came to a very interesting conclusion. The standard answer was and should have been when I was saved or when I gave my life to Christ, but on Sunday it came to me in a different way. The event that made me who I am today was the very first time I was obedient to what God told me to do. When I did this everything changed. Now I have to ask myself why is it that I can still be disobedient even now? The greatest source of fulfillment is setting aside ones desires and accomplishing the will of God yet so few of us do it as often as we should. By chasing our own desires we think we are smarter than God. It really makes me mad that everyday there are times when I think that I am smarter than God, when I know that I am not. These are the times when I dive in head first to accomplish what I think needs done rather than stopping to think or ask what does God want done. If I would just stop and remember that the biggest event in my life was when I did obey God perhaps I would try it some more. What about you? You would never say you were smarter than God but do you live like you think you are?


  1. Mike -- good call on all of us (especially me). Thank God for his grace and mercy - may I not be presumptuous, but readily obedient. This is a good reminder to draw near to God so he will draw near to us (see James 4:8).

    Praise God for his love shown to us in Jesus Christ.
