Sunday, September 9, 2012

Trust me you need this

Note to Self by Joe Thorn is a book that I now use as a daily devotional. Each day I will share the scripture passage and an expert from the book and a few of my own thoughts as part of my blog.
Scripture passage 1 John 5:21
Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
Section from the book
The call to keep one’s self from idols is given to the church. This sounds strange, as you see yourself as a worshiper of God and not of strange deities. But there it is at the end of John’s epistle. His last words in that letter to the church are, “Keep yourselves from idols.” The warning isn’t given to them because it wasn’t a real danger or because there was an off chance someone might fall into idolatry. It was given because this is our root problem on any given day. It is what we, especially as followers of Jesus, must fight against.
Even when you know the dangers of idolatry and the command to keep yourself from idols, do you know what idols you need to keep yourself from? It is not enough to say that you will worship Christ alone and reject false gods. You must be able to recognize the form idolatry takes in your life.
Simple thoughts
I’m sure you do not have a golden calf enshrined somewhere in your house that you worship everyday. But I am sure somewhere ,you have an idol that you worship more than you even know. The funny thing about idols is that they don’t look like you’d think. They are not statues; they may not even be a physical thing. The simple definition of an idol is anything you place in front of God. To indentify your idols just look where you spend the most of your time and money, that could very well be your idol. What is it that you are the most afraid of losing? That could be your idol. Where does your mind drift off to when given the chance? That too could be your idol.  I will go out on a limb and say that the root of all your personal problems is in fact idolatry. The way to kill roots in a septic system is copper sulfate. The way to kill the roots of idolatry in your life is a fresh and renewed sense of the gospel.

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