Prayer is one of those funny things. Some people never do it; they see no need for it. Others treat it like piñata and only take a whack at it for the sole of getting something out of Jesus. Then there are those who do it infrequently or get stuck in ruts. I’m afraid that most prayers are like sitting on Santa’s lap giving him a list of things you want. Then again there are others who do pray faithfully everyday or multiple times a day and they are selfless in prayer asking God to heal and fix everyone’s long lost cousin’s , great aunt’s neighbor’s every disease or physical aliment. Now it’s not wrong to ask for these things in fact it is good to ask for these things but how often do you pray for others to be saved? Or like todays verse for spiritual wisdom and insight, for growth in the knowledge of God? Believe it or not saving faith is more important than a cure for any heath condition. Spiritual growth will help anyone deal with whatever it is they are facing and will in turn bring glory to God.
16 I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, 17 asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.
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