Monday, April 23, 2012

Taxing the greedy may hurt the needy

For those that make the argument that the rich should pay more in taxes are either jealous or not thinking. You have first figure out who the rich are and who ultimately pays their taxes. Below are 4 out of the top 5  largest publicly traded companies and what they pay Uncle Sam.

                              Paid in taxes     Tax rate

Exxon Mobil       $27.3 billion           42%

Chevron             $17.4 billion           43.3%

ConocoPhillips   $10.6 billion           45.6%

Wal-mart           $5.9 billion             32.6%

Two things you need to think about:
1. Everyone of these companies sells something you use every day. How much do you think what they pay in taxes affects what you pay for either a gallon of milk or gas. They will pass those costs along you know, or at least I would.
2. If you have any type of investment including retirement type plans, 401k, etc. How much do you think what these companies and other like them pay in taxes affects their bottom line and therefore the return on your investment.
The rich in this country sell you things and hire workers. A better bottom line will keep costs down, allow them to hire more people and in the end, yes they will make more money but when they make more money so do you.  When you tax the rich you may very well hurt the needy.

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