Sunday, April 22, 2012

Would you yell at a blind person for not being able to see?

Do you get frustrated with those who don’t get it when it comes to Jesus? When you see what people do to themselves by the choices they make apart from Christ, does it make you just want to go up and yell at them. I know at times I do. But here are some words from a sermon by Mark Driscoll that really put those who don't yet believe into the proper perspective.

God opens our eyes so that we see Jesus as God, Lord, Savior, King, and Christ. So if you have family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, enemies, they don’t see Jesus for who he is, don’t get mad at them. Pray for them, keep teaching, keep answering the questions, keep bringing the Scripture, and wait for the Holy Spirit to open their understanding. They’re not stupid; they’re blind. Okay? You don’t yell at blind people, saying, “Don’t you see it?!” That’s mean. It’s really mean. God’s got to open their eyes, like God’s opened your eyes and my eyes, if we are Christians.

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