Saturday, August 11, 2012

Book Review: Note to Self by Joe Thorn

In the last 25 books I’ve read on Christianity this is one of the best. I am the type of reader that likes to highlight the good parts of a book. After about 10 chapters of Note to Self I decided highlighting was pointless because of how much I was marking. When I started this book my thoughts were this would be good for anyone, because it was so simple and the chapters were so short. But as I got into it the deeper and deeper and more convicting it became. I have never been able to find a daily devotional that I liked in the 10 years I’ve been looking, with Note to Self I think I just found it.  When reading “Christian” things we need to do read for more than just information, we need to read for transformation and this book does that for me.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the kind words! I am so glad it was a blessing to you.
