Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What are you afraid of?

Time to fire up the blog again, I have found a book that I think is very good, a book that besides the Bible I can use as a daily devotional. The book is Note to Self by Joe Thorn, so each day I will share the scripture passage a expert from the book and a few of my own thoughts.

Scripture passage Matthew 10:28

28 “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell

Section from the book

The problem with this kind of worldly fear is that it will lead you to toe party lines instead of correcting and challenging the people you are close to. It will compel you to try to live a safe life, free from risk or danger instead of being willing to make the hard and “risky” choice of following Jesus in a culture that rejects him. It will lead you to so prize the good gifts of God that they mutate into idols that you are unwilling to let go of.

Simple thoughts

I have never been to a movie that I would call scary. What horror movies I have been too I usually end up laughing at the so called scary parts.  The reason is I know nothing in the movie can harm me. But I do not do so well when it comes to life. I am afraid of what people might think of me, I am afraid of being challenged for what I believe, I am afraid of conflict. The sad thing is these things are not even close to killing me like Matthew 10:28 says. However if I’m not careful these things could dominate my life. The idol I fight against everyday is comfort. I too often try to live safe from the risk or danger of speaking up for what I believe in. I need to ask myself if I won’t stand up for it do I really believe in it. Following Jesus is risky as far as the world is concerned, but consider the danger of not following Him, that is where the fear of God has to overcome the fear of man. 

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