Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In reading Acts 9 this morning when Jesus zapped Saul I was reminded about the pure power, and mystery of God.

For one Saul had in a sense got permission to hack into every one's computers and was able to see all of their emails and browser history. If any one talked at all about being a Christian they made his most wanted list. He then sat out to get everyone of them. Keep in mind he had already been apart of killing other Christians.

Next as he was on his way to do this he got zapped, a bright light knocked him down and blinded him. Now this sounds feasible to me because I've watched enough military shows to know about less than lethal weapons. But the interesting part is the light did not affect the others traveling with him.
Some thing that is not mentioned is what in the world would these other guys have been thinking?

Then there is Ananias a Christian who Jesus told to go to Saul. I am moved by his faith, for he knew enough about Saul that he was afraid for his life but was obedient enough to Christ to go anyway. Could we do the same?

Verses 15 and 16 are the most interesting to me in the whole chapter they say:

But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel. 16 And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.”

This is where I see the power and mystery of God. After everything Saul had done and was planning to do Jesus said this is who I choose to use. Why would he do that? Then in verse 16 he says I will show him how much he must suffer. If you read the rest of the Bible you will see that Saul became Paul and he suffered greatly for the name of Christ, clear up to death. Saul/Paul however was obedient to the end, along way from where he started.

Now we must think if God could use a man like Saul, what can he do with you. What are you willing to suffer for his name? How far will you go? How can you do the same?
As with Saul/Paul I think the answer is obedience to Christ.
Take a minute today and read the full account of Saul's conversion in Acts 9. I'm sure you will be blessed.

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