Saturday, February 18, 2012

You will die

Today I wanted to share a section from a book that I recently read. It goes like this:

 You will die. (what an interesting opening sentence)

Too many people naively try to convince themselves that if they simply don’t think about death things will be fine. They are living both foolishly and dangerously.

Our world does not know what to do about death. When people begin to die we put them in retirement hones, care centers, and hospitals. We tuck them away out of sight, fill them with medications, and try to make death seem not so deadly. When someone does die, we put them in a box so that we do not have to stare death in the face, and if the box is open, we see the deceased with makeup and nice clothes so they appear not so dead. When the deceased is finally buried, it is usually in a memorial garden replete with flowers and fountains to maintain that death is not really an enemy. Not knowing what to say, the living who remain assert things they really don’t have any evidence for such as “they are in a better place now,” which may or may not be true, or “I’m just glad their suffering has ended,” as if they may not be suffering at that very moment for a life of unrepentant sin. You will die.

Are you ready for the day of your death and the days that follow it?

(From Doctrine by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears)

Believe it or not you will die and for some and dare I say most who die are not in a better place and their suffering may have only just begun. It all hinges on rather or not they trusted in Jesus.

How about you?

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