Saturday, February 26, 2011

Give Up, You Can't Do It

John 6:63-65 should be very comforting to some and yet very concerning to others.
Here is what it says.

 63 The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But some of you do not believe me.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning which ones didn’t believe, and he knew who would betray him.) 65 Then he said, “That is why I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father gives them to me.”

I have recently read a chapter in a book about death, and you know what it said? It said that death was coming for everyone. I am afraid that most people don't understand that death is the beginning of forever. Everyone has eternal life it is just a matter of your permanent address. There are only two zip codes when you die Heaven and Hell. So what do these verses have to do with anything?
It's when it says human effort accomplishes nothing. That is why I said in the beginning this should be cause for comfort to some and concern for others.
 Let's tackle the ones who should be concerned. These are the ones who think that by what they do will get them to Heaven, by being a "good" person. That if the good things they do out weigh the bad things God will be pleased. The ones that should really be concerned are the ones who think that God grades on a curve and as long as they are better than the other guy they are safe. My advice to those who try earn their way into God's grace. Give up. You can't do it.

Now for the ones who find comfort in these verses. These are the people who realize that they are sinners, that they are guilty, and that only by Gods grace can they get into Heaven. What a contrast from the ones who think that they are safe in a sense you can say that many good people call Hell home and only the bad can get into heaven.

Before you can get into Heaven you first have to realize how bad you really are and then ask Christ into your life so he can cover your multitude of sins. That is when you can take comfort in the fact that someone other than yourself is in charge of where you will spend eternity.

If you have not put Christ in charge of your life, ask him. Then you too can take comfort and have confidence that you are in the hands of the only one who can take you to Heaven.

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