Friday, July 1, 2011

Satan's favorite scripture

I haven’t asked him but if I had to guess one of Satan’s favorite scriptures comes from Luke 6, do not judge others. He gets so much mileage out of those four words it would make your head spin. He uses it to suppress the truth and he does it well. How may you ask? Here are just a few examples. Oh, they are living together, who am I to judge? They use God’s name in vain, who am I to judge? They follow that religion, who am I to judge? They say they are agnostic, who am I to judge? They are into pornography, who am I to judge. They don’t follow Jesus, who am I to judge? Are you starting to get the picture? These words have been so twisted over time that they are now used to silence the truth. When we are told not to judge it means we are not the ones who decide Heaven or Hell for a person. In most cases we really have no idea. But we are commanded to determine right from wrong and in a loving way inform people what is right and what is wrong. If a one year old found some rat poison and started playing with it would you sit back and say who am I to judge? If you really loved someone and they were headed for Hell would you really just sit back and say who am I to judge?   We all do.

Luke 6
37 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

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