Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stick to your guns

Saying you are a Christian does not make you a Christian. How Jesus is viewed is what determines whether or not a person is a Christian. There are entire churches and denominations out there today that claim to be Christian but by their view of Jesus are not. This applies to individuals as well. Having the proper view of Jesus is essential because a Christian is what? A follower of Jesus Christ. This should not come as a surprise because it was predicted long ago. Here in Luke 2:34 at 8 days old during Jesus’ dedication it was said:

Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, but he will be a joy to many others. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him.

During His three years of ministry here on earth what did Jesus do? He brought joy to many and there were many who opposed him. I don’t know if there was such a thing back then as political correctness however if there was I’m so glad Jesus was not PC and would change His words as not to offend those who were opposed to Him.  He spoke the truth and stuck to his guns. A good lesson for all of us, we should learn what is the truth, get the proper view of Jesus, and stick to our guns. While realizing that we too will be able to bring joy to some while others will oppose us.

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