Friday, June 3, 2011

What will be on your grave stone?

One thing that has bothered me for some time now is how much better a person becomes after they die. Things are said about a person at their funeral that would have never been said about them while they were living. The same thing goes for famous people when they are talked about in the media after their death it sounds like a campaign for saint hood or something.

We should all consider right now what will be written on our grave stones. There is not much room on one of those things and most of the space is already spoken for with things that you have no control over like your name, date of birth, and date of death. After that there is not much room left. But in the space that is left you can start filling it in right now. How you live your life or perhaps even how you die will determine what goes in that space. It could say anything from loved the ladies, to loved their liquor, or it could say loved the Lord.  If you live a livf that brings honor to Christ most everyone that knows you should not be surprised by the things that are said about you when you die. The stone in a sense will fill itself in. Even the way you die can honor Christ.      I have had the opportunity to know someone who in his battle with cancer brought praise and glory to Christ until the very end. He was an inspiration to many. I know a person right now who is going through the same thing and she is an inspiration as well. If you want to be remember for something like loved the ladies, love their liquor or something else like that by all means have at it. But if you want to be remembered as some who loved the Lord make sure that everyone around you today knows that indeed you do love the Lord.

When I die, at my funeral I would hope that someone would say “he loved the Lord.” But my bigger wish is that no one there would answer “really I didn’t know that” Sounds like I have a lot of work to do and at the rate I’m going I had better hope I live along time.

What about you?

Philippians 1:20
 20 For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.

1 comment:

  1. a man who loved the lord, his wife, kids and bbq.
