Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't waste your qualifications


2 Corinthians 3:5
5 It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.

Very few Christians are called to be Pastors, but all Christians are called to be ministers. I looked up the word minister and the first definition was agent. So then I went and looked up the word agent and found that it said:

1: one that acts or exerts power

2: something that produces or is capable of producing an effect

 So going by these two definitions we should act, and be working to produce an effect because we are capable. Pastors go to seminaries to get their qualification but where do ministers go to get theirs? The answer is you don’t just go get your qualification it comes from God.  The Bible states that everyone gets a spiritual gift which is of course from God. This gift is your qualification, and it comes from the highest authority ever so why be afraid to use your spiritual gifts and become a minister? One, who acts or exerts power, is capable of and produces an effect.

If you are a Christian you are qualified to be a minister. So don't waste your qualifications.

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