Monday, May 16, 2011

Scam Alert

This may be the first blog of mine that you have ever read simply because of the title. There is a scam prevalent today that you could be a victim of so today's blog may be worth reading. 
 We as a society are so afraid of being taken by a scam yet we fall for them so easily. The reason we fall for them is that they always sound so good. They play on our emotions or they seem to show an easy way out from where we are at. Usually the scammer  is wanting you to make an instant decision whether you recognize it or not. They do not want to investigate their claims, for if you did they would be found out, be out their money, and you would keep yours. It’s probably safe to say that 99% of all scams involve money.
There is one scam out there that does not involve money and the reason for today's blog. It involves something more serious than money it involves your life, your eternal life to be exact. The scam involves the way some people teach and preach the Word of God. They use the very same tactics that the other scammers use. They make it sound so good, they play on your emotions and they show you an easy way out. They also don’t want you to investigate the truth for if you did they would be found out and you would be far better off. So to protect yourself from any scam you should take some time and do some investigating. When it comes to God’s word to read it and find out for yourself.  So many want to make Christianity easy and the truth is it is not. If it was easy everyone would be a Christian. Telling someone if they become a Christian that their lives will become easy is a scam in it's self. There are a lot of churches today who water the Word down so much to tell people what they want to hear, so they will feel comfortable and come back. This too is a scam. Again you must protect yourself by reading and studying your Bible. Don’t just don’t take it to church on Sunday or set it out where others can see it. What good it that? Use it, read it, study it, become familiar with it. That again is how you protect yourself from being scammed. You would do what ever you could to protect your money. What lengths will you go to to protect your eternal life?
Again correct information should lead to transformation.  
 2 Corinthians 4:2
2 We reject all shameful deeds and underhanded methods. We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this.

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