Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nothing But Questions

Time to start up again with the regular blog content.  1 Corinthians is where we will pick up again.  Thanks for your patience and I hope you will find something useful. Please feel free to share this content with anyone you think it may be a blessing to.

Actually going to step out of 1 Corinthians for today and ask some thought provoking questions, ones that I have been asking myself lately.

1.       How does a person keep humility from turning them into a door mat?

2.       If you shake the dust off of your feet and leave are you giving up too quickly?

3.       Why do so many think that standing up for what is right is judgmental?

4.       Why does 1 Peter 4:4 hurt so much? Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you.

5.       Why is the fear of rejection so powerful?

If you have any thoughts on answers to any of these questions please share.
Be a part of the Simple Light Blog.

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