Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Comes with the territory

1Timothy 2:3

3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

This is one of those verses that some will point to and say see if God wants everyone to be save then everyone goes to heaven. However if they would actually take the time to read and understand the rest of the book they would see that this is not the case. If you use their logic then Satan himself would be in heaven. In looking at this verse this is how I would explain it. A doctor wants everyone to be healthy but realizes that’s not the case. A policeman wants everyone to obey the law, but realizes that’s not the case and a good judge wishes that they would not have to sentence anyone, but realizes they will have to. (at least a good judge) They all realize it comes with the territory. The same exact thing goes for Jesus. He does want everyone to be saved and understand the truth, but realizes that is not the case. It is not part of God’s plan and is what makes grace all the sweeter.

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