Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spotting Knock Off's

Knock off’s are a funny thing, sometimes you can spot one right away other times you may never know. However in the end there is the truth and the truth will come out under a close examination from and expert. I had never really thought about it much but there could be a time were a person would just assume that something was a knock off and dismiss it as such however the same thing applies here too. Under a close examination by an expert it will be found out to be the real thing. People are the same way, some are obvious knock offs and others it will take a close examination by an expert and others will seem like a knock off but after the expert weighs in they will be found out to be genuine. There are a couple of things to take away from this one is we are not the expert. Jesus is the only one who determines fake or real. The other is to be aware that those we think are real could be fake and those who we think are fake could be real. That is why we should let Jesus be the judge and we should not assume either way. Because he can’t be fooled and we can.

 1 Timothy 5:24-25

24 Remember, the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later. 25 In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. And the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light.

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