Monday, January 24, 2011

On sale vs. a good deal

I just wanted to go on record as saying I would rather get a good deal on something rather than buying it on sale. In today's marketing everything is on sale they mark it up, then mark it down and say it's on sale and then tell you how much you have saved. That just burns me for some reason. After shopping this weekend I want to tell you the different between a sale and a good deal.
Example 1
I went to a store and they had a dress shirt for $13 I thought that was what the shirt was worth to me. The catch was it was on sale for get this 75% off. It was on sale and I saved over $40, yea right.
Example 2
I went to another store and bought a pair of dress pants they were marked at $19 I thought that that was a fair, a good price the only things was do I get just one pair or two?  Then when I went to check out the pants rang up $10. Perhaps it was a mistake so I went back and got the black pair that had a different upc# and they also rang up for $10 also. Now that's a good deal,  much better than a sale.

So when ever someone tells me they got something on sale I just roll my eyes.
I would rather get a good deal on something than getting it on sale, a good deal is when you can bu something for significantly less than what you would be willing to pay for it at full price.

Just venting, my family is used to it.

1 comment:

  1. yes we are! but we still tell you when we get things on sale!!
