Sunday, January 30, 2011

Silent Lies

 I ran across Galatians 1:10 today and to be honest I don't like it very much, it says:

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Here is why it bothers me. I work really hard at not telling any lies and overall I do a pretty good job. However this verse convicts me because sometimes by being silent I am not being honest and is not being honest any different than telling a lie?

Sometimes I tend to lean to the side of winning the approval of people when it comes to the truth. I think if I tell them the truth they won't like me, or they will think I'm off the deep end and then I will never have a chance. So I keep quite.

 What I need to keep reminding myself is if a blind person was walking towards a end of a cliff should I really care what they think if I were to warn them?

Now I also have to keep in mind that telling the truth about the Gospel has to be done in love, that I do have to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and that I don't have to do it all myself. All I need to do is to keep in mind that in the end it's all up to God.

So why not do things for His approval and not man's?
Pleasing people instead of God in the end doesn't do anyone any good.
When it comes to the Gospel message being quite may not be a lie, but it's not the truth. Don't the people around you deserve the truth?

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