I’m sure that if a child is told to go sit in a corner “or now days to go to time out” the first thing on their mind is that the parent that gave them that order is nothing but a mean and cruel person. They are not able as a child to see that the reason the parent put them in the corner was because they in fact did love the child and was trying to teach them something. In fact if a child is doing something wrong and is not disciplined the parent is not a good parent. So when it comes to God there are those that think that God is a loving God that would never do anything to anyone because God is love. When the truth is that to be a good God He may in fact have to discipline those He loves because if he didn’t He would then fail to love and be a good God. So if you feel that you are being disciplined by God while you are sitting in the corner stop and ask yourself what is God trying to teach me here. It may be because of something or have or have not done. Like what today’s verse is saying. However remember there are two kinds of discipline the sit in the corner kind and the discipline of an athlete you may also be going through what you are to make you stronger. So whenever you find your slef in a sitting in a corner take that time to ask God to show you why you are there and what you need to learn from it.
19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
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