Tuesday, December 27, 2011

When do you wash your feet?

Mark 6:11

But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

How does a Christian reconcile this verse? With all of the verses about love, forgiveness turning the other cheek and the like this verse is also in the Bible. I have found myself in this exact situation. Over Christmas I came to the same conclusion and abandoned some to their fate and as I do feel bad for them I felt like a bad person myself. Because I realized they were going to Hell and my first thought was I didn’t care. However I then realized that it’s up to God and not me. I have prayed for these people over and over again and have tried to treat them just as I would anyone else. But when you and your family are attacked over and over again by the same people at some point it’s time to shake the dust from your feet. Now I as all Christians should leave the door open but there comes a point that the time and effort could be better spent somewhere else. Yes, sadly at some point you need to wash your feet and remember that God is in control. It’s funny how some will respond to the Gospel with a blank stare and others will attack. All we can to it to put it out there and let God do the rest.

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