Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The most asked question in the world

What is the one question that is asked more than any other in our society today? It's not when does McDonalds open. I think it is how are you? Just stop and think about how many times you are asked that question every day. For that matter stop and think about how many times you ask that question every day. In theory it is a very caring and deep question but it seems like it has become something like a shield which is thrown up when you causally meet someone. Stop and think about it when someone that you know meets you in passing and you just happen to make eye contact what are they most likely to say? How are you? And most people can do it without even breaking stride. How many times do you think that you have been lied to or even lied yourself and said “good” more than you can count
I’ll bet. I really think that the biggest percentage of people who ask this question are really not expecting anything other than that response. In fact most would be mortified if someone stopped and actually told them what was going on in their lives. When I’m feeling ornery my response is usually “Better than I look” that really throws people off. So today I was thinking why not take the opportunity of taking the question you will most likely be asked today and turn it into an opportunity? Try at the very least to answer the question “how are you” by saying I am blessed and see where it goes. It may lead to an opportunity right there on the spot or it may just plant a seed. On the other side if you ask that question look and see what that person is telling you and not just listen to them. They may be throwing up that shield hoping that you will not break your stride when in fact they are hurting and could really use the Gospel Message. In any situation when either asking or being asked think of 1 Peter 3:15
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.

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